- Regional membership has never been more important
- Changes are taking place quickly in psychology
- Individuals can make a difference
- Ensure that your voice is heard
- School Psychology, a multifaceted profession, is at the intersection of changes in psychology
- Peer solidarity has never been more needed
- Stay informed of changes in our profession
Member Benefits
- Listing in the NCPA online Membership Directory
- Through the list-serve and website you will receive information relevant to psychological issues.
- As a licensed psychologist in private practice, your name will be listed on
NCPA's referral service by specialty type and location of practice – accessible
through the website and by telephone
- As a school psychologist, you may choose to become active in the School Psychology Committee which:
- keeps abreast of legislative/regulatory changes
- takes part in efforts to influence policy in Albany
- develops a program of workshops for school psychologists addressing contemporary issues
- Member discounts apply to NCPA/NPSI sponsored and co-sponsored events
- Access to the Members Only section of this website, including exclusive content such as: office space listings, employment opportunities, online member directory, and the ability to participate in the private practice and school psychology email list serves.
In addition:
- Legal Plans are available allowing discounted consultation with legal experts in mental health.
- NCPA administration acts as a clearinghouse and network of information on any topic relevant to psychology. You will be referred to members with expertise in areas of concern.
- Fellowship, networking and professional development opportunities are found through conferences, workshops and online member interaction.
- All members may participate in working committees. Each committee sets its course in response to current concerns.
Website Design, Hosting, SEO, Administration Services
Discounted Rates available for many services from
NCPA's website administrator
Eric Larson is a web design professional who has
been in the business for over 16 years. His
expertise encompasses an array of web based services
including: website
design/redesign/creation/maintenance, website
hosting, email campaigns, social media marketing,
and more. He works with clients of all sizes - from
large corporations to sole proprietorships,
psychological associations to individual
psychologists. In fact, if you've visited the NCPA
website, you've seen an example of his work.
Eric offers a discounted rate for his services to
current NCPA members. Pricing starts at $15/month
which includes managed hosting and site updates (and
even eventually upgrades/redesigns) and most of the
services mentioned above. Need a new website or
redesign? Pricing for that starts at $500. If you're
wondering about the "starting" qualifier, good
question. That price is for most basic websites.
Creating/updating websites based on a CMS, such as
Wordpress, Joomla, etc, may cost a little more since
they can be a little more time intensive, sometimes
requiring a little more work, depending on what's needed. Each job will be evaluated on a
case-by-case basis, but Eric will do his best to
work with you to keep his prices as close to, if not
at the "starting" prices mentioned.
If you're interested in, or have any questions
about website services, would like to inquire about
pricing or simply want to ask for advice on "digital
marketing" or anything else web-related, please
contact Eric at He's always happy to
field questions from NCPA members.